December 28, 2024, 04:09:46 AM
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Topic: *Infrared Spectroscopy analysis: Cis and Trans Copper(II) amino acid complexes.*  (Read 8678 times)

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Offline gggggggggg

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Its CIS and TRANS!


I have prepared cis-Cu(gly)2.H2O      and tran-Cu(gly)2.H2O and measured their Infrared spectrum.

Cis :
Trans :

What i know : IR gives information about energy of molecular stretching and bending vibrations, and it is usually possible to identify the origin of some of the absorption bands in terms of the particular functional groups present in a molecule.

Problem: I need to suggest ( with explanation and reasoning, in terms of stretching and bending) two strong IR absorption bands in each compound. I am not very good at analyzing a IR spectrum. If you could help me out , it would be appreciated. Also i need to explain in general terms any differences in the IR spectra of the two compounds.

Thank you for your time.

PS: Short answer= appreciated.
      Long answer= very much appreciated  :P ;D  , Of course...not forgetting "quality over qantity"

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