Thank you for your quick reply.
The permanganate is a strong purple color.
I added excess titrant fast after I titrated about 15 mL and it looked like it was going to stay but then dissipated after about 5-10 seconds.
My blank titration was good.
Our scales are checked everyday for accuracy and I weighed my samples between 0.1 and 0.2 g.
That is a good website you suggested. I will keep it in mind also for future reference. I will take everything into consideration and back to the drawing board. I may remake the permanganate since it was made by a previous chemist and I don't have any record it was standardized except the bottle is labeled 0.05N. The reagent is also labeled 1.6 g KMnO
4 and on that same label "actual 1.5087" or something close to that was hand-written on it. Why it was not weighed to 1.6 g I am not sure. I will have to figure out what was done before. Thanks Borek for all your help.