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Topic: 2 Chemiluminescence Questions  (Read 2491 times)

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2 Chemiluminescence Questions
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:34:38 PM »
I have two questions which need answering. If you can help, i would be very thankful.

1. With the reaction mechanism:
This reaction is pretty straightforward, but i wanted to know in a bit more detail the steps.

In the first step, by what chemical reaction mechanism does the H atom separate from the parent molecule and join the OH ion ? Is it by elimination reaction ? Or inductive effect ? What is it ? similarly for the other steps, the reaction mechanisms involved.

2. With a catalysed reaction:
how does a metal ion act as a catalyst in the chemiluminescence reaction of luminol + H2O2
Not just ""it lowers the activation energy", preferably a more scientific answer.

Thank you

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