I thought the vaporization process eliminated the particulate matter that is present with traditional smoking methods; because it doesn't heat the plant material hot enough to cause combustion. Or are you saying in the lag time between the vapor being released and the time it takes to reach the tank, these solids or tar would form? It seems like there would be a way to control this process and keep the temperature constant as the vapor travels from plant to tank?
What I am saying is that whatever is freed from the plant by increased temperature will sooner or later cool down and it will create some kind of tar or goo. Exact composition will depend on teh temperature and other factors, and hoestly I have no idea what it will be, but that;s how these things behave in general.
In regards to the elevated temperature - would the optimal temperature to store the vapor be the same temperature that optimally released (without releasing any harmful gases or particulate matter) the vapor from the plant?
No, that's way too hot.
At this temperature - what would it decompose into? Are you saying that the same temperature that created the vapor, over time, would decompose the vapor into something else? Where would it go, what would it be?
No idea what decompositions products will be, but complicated organic molecules are rarely stable in elevated temperatures; I doubt THC is an exclusion. Simple rule of thumb says that reaction speed goes up twice with temperature going up by 10 deg C - as each rule of thumb it is far from being exact, but it basically means that in temperature of 100 deg C decomposition can be 256 times faster than at the room temp. Can be even much faster.
I also thought that tanks were airtight. How does the condensation occur.
I am referring to the condensation of substances already present in the smoke.
Based on the use of clear plastic bags with vaporizers currently on the market, there is a tar left on the inside of them after many uses, but I just thought that was because the vapor was allowed to cool down.
Tar that you see inside of the bag is the same tar that will condesne sooner or later in the tank. You can't keep the tank hot because of the decomposition, so tar will condense out.
Let's say the vapor was allowed to cool and become a tar, are you saying that heating it back up to the vaporization temperature wouldn't completely turn the tar back into vapor?
Yes, that's what I am saying. I must admit that's just a guess, but as long as we are talking about mixture of organic substances prepared by heating organic matter (leaves/buds) I am quite sure I am right.