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Topic: Force constant matrices for classical harmonic oscillator  (Read 2779 times)

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Force constant matrices for classical harmonic oscillator
« on: February 25, 2010, 03:25:40 PM »
I am trying to use the classical harmonic oscillator to find frequencies of vibration for 1) a diatomic system, and 2) H2O. I am trying to use the procedure outlined by Feynmann (see link below) that uses a mass-weighted force constant matrix. I am having problems, though, and want to understand more.

The dimensions of the matrix - I think - have to do with the number of total degrees of freedom (although I'm not sure why this is). I have no idea how to figure out the values in the matrix. How do I do it?

Feynmann's lectures (see pgs. 13-15):


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