On wikipedia, the entry mentions that one of the successes of Corey's retrosynthetic analysis, is that it allowed for the developement of software capable of planning a synthesis. I currently use HyperChem at my lab and find it very useful for a whole bunch of calculations, but of course it doesn't do this kind of analysis.
I tried looking on the web, and couldnt really find what I was looking for. There are a few open projects, but dont seem to return emails and some companies that will do submitted analysis for what I assume is a very high cost. HyperChem is of course full of algorithms (force fields, etc.) developed by academic research groups, so I guess I have two questions:
1. Does anyone know of active groups developing non-proprietary retrosynth software or algorithms?
2. Can anyone give me any direction on where to find retrosynth software (hopfully free or demo) that I can play around with.
Thanks for any help.