I've run into a slight problem with the chem safety people regarding a chem project I was hoping to lead for grade 6 girls for a conference promoting science.
So, I wanted to do an indicator solution experiment
1. Demo : using universal indicator and dry ice
2. Hands on: exhaling CO2 (directly or with a straw) in the flask of indicator + 0.5 M NaOH solution ((here is the problem: backsplash, and accidental inhalation of the solution) (so I need to do an alternative hands on activity --> I don't know what I should substitute. Any suggestions??)
3. Polymer slime hands on. (After the slime I wanted them to add 0.5 NaOH (drop wise) to a small piece of slime ---so they could observe the effect of a base on the polymer and then add 0.5 HCl (drop wise) to see what happens to the polymer. (again there seems to be a safety problem-the girls will be wearing gloves and safety goggles but that is not enough) What else can I do to improve the safety??? --> Use a fume hood, and get the adult lab volunteers to add the acid?? any alternatives??
Thanks for all your help,