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Topic: A chemistry project - need an experiment thought by myself  (Read 4087 times)

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A chemistry project - need an experiment thought by myself
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:56:02 AM »
I am a form 6 student from Hong Kong.
My teacher requires my classmates and me to group (5 guys in one group) and do a project.
The project is about an experiment thought by ourselves.
In two successive weeks,we have one lesson a week to carry out the experiment.
The duration of one lesson is 2 hours and 50 minutes

Yet,it is difficult to think what topic should we study.
I have asked my teachers for if it is acceptable for the following topics:
2:Making a Cobalt(II) chloride thermometer;
3:investigating the fluoride content in chewing gum.
The topics above are all rejected...

For 1 , 2
my teacher said it was to easy to carry out because the techniques involved in the experiments are easy to master,
and the duration of the experiment may be too short such that the two lessons cannot be fully utilised.

for 3
He said the students last year had failed on topic related to fluoride and he strongly recommended us not to do any experiment about finding out the fluoride content.

He wants us to think of an experiment which is:
1:creative and there must be something initiative.
2:able to make use of the two lessons.
3:interesting and having a clear objective.
4:not requiring some expensive devices,apparatus and chemicals.(because our school is poor,XX US dollar is OK)

May somebody suggest some topics??
I think what I need is not some experiment to copy,but enlightenment that can help me to think,or somethings that can guide me.
I am not interested in food-chemistry,but it is acceptable.
I really haven't a clue.I just can't think of an appropriate experiment that meets the above criteria.
Many are too quick to finish or just far beyond our level.

Thank you very much!

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Re: A chemistry project - need an experiment thought by myself
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2010, 01:46:24 PM »
"The project is about an experiment thought by ourselves."

"He wants us to think of an experiment"

I'm sorry but if we suggest anything it would mean we failed the assignment for you.  The aim of exercises like this is to test your abilities to select an appropriate topic, not ours.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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Re: A chemistry project - need an experiment thought by myself
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2010, 10:11:44 PM »
Thank you for point out my mistake.It's challenging for me to express my words in English.Sorry for bad language.

It is not a problem that you give some suggestions.Indeed, my teacher said if we had no clues of thinking, we could just simply search the experiments on google,follow and try to think something new with the expriment.Therefore,your suggestions would not fail me but rather help me.

I am here to ask sincerely for help. MY groupmates and I are searching and thinking continuously.What we need are just simply feastible ideas.We would like to see if someone can give us some better or more interesting ideas.Abolutely, the procedure,means of carrying out the experiment , principles involved,..would be our works.
Thank you.

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Re: A chemistry project - need an experiment thought by myself
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2010, 09:41:14 AM »
You might consider doing an 2 stage experiment. The first being the synthesis of a compound. The second proving how pure you product is and what are the impurities. Since you know what you used to do the synthesis, there is a limit to what the impurities could be.

The example below would probably be too short and too simple, but I think you could find one long enough if you search.


create aspirin
analyze how pure and what else is in your product ( acetic acid for one). 

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