I can at least link you to some material safety data sheets, but there are different grades of fly ash and possibly different types of bentonite - I would get an MSDS from your source before you make any final decisions.
Bentonite -
http://www.naturalsourcing.com/msds/MSDS_Bentonite.pdfFly Ash -
http://health.state.tn.us/Downloads/TVA_MSDS-TVA-flyash.pdfFrom what I can tell, the fly ash has far more silica than the bentonite (~50% vs <2%), but that may differ based on source.
OSHA exposure limits for silica are pretty low - there are numbers across the two MSDSs ranging from 0.1mg/m
3 up to 30 mg/m
3 based on the form of the silica. For reference, 1 mg of silica will just about cover the head of a tack, and 1 m
3 is a cube about the length of your arm, so you can imagine what it would look like if you threw a tack's worth of silica into that much air. This is a very tiny amount of dust.