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Topic: Custom organic synthesis companies  (Read 3487 times)

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Offline somethingtoxic

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Custom organic synthesis companies
« on: April 22, 2010, 01:55:59 PM »
I don't have my own lab yet. (live in apartment,hopefully getting house with garage, slowly accumulating lab gear)

I've made several molecules that I want to try out (none illegal) and so I try one molecule of mine through Synfine out of Canada, and they wanted $4500 for a minuscule amount of my molecule synthesized, which is plain retarded.

Are there companies out there that will be willing to synthesize your projects in under 1kg weight sizes? China only seems to deal with established molecules or popular ones in large quantities. Any ideas, guys?

Offline Doc Oc

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Re: Custom organic synthesis companies
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 02:06:29 PM »
Few things:

1) Synthesis in your garage, no matter how legal it is, will probably be perceived by local law enforcement as totally illicit.  The only people they know doing chemistry at home are junkies.

2) If a molecule costs $4500 for a small amount, that probably means it's exceptionally difficult to make.  You won't likely have much better luck.

3) Plenty of companies exist that sell small scaffolds, but typically they offer a healthy discount to an organization or university, which is a perk you will not enjoy working out of your garage (and these discounts can be hefty depending on your institution).  Also, if you're looking at an intermediate that costs $4500 for milligram quantities I'm willing to bet you're looking at an extremely advanced and complex intermediate.  That means two things: a) you won't find a "cheap" building block unless you go far back into the synthesis (far before the challenging steps that make the price what it is), and b) if you do decide to make it yourself, you will probably need large quantities of starting material, possibly in the kg range depending on what you're making.

Offline somethingtoxic

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Re: Custom organic synthesis companies
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 04:14:22 PM »
Few things:

1) Synthesis in your garage, no matter how legal it is, will probably be perceived by local law enforcement as totally illicit.  The only people they know doing chemistry at home are junkies.

2) If a molecule costs $4500 for a small amount, that probably means it's exceptionally difficult to make.  You won't likely have much better luck.
Plenty of companies exist that sell small scaffolds
3) , but typically they offer a healthy discount to an organization or university, which is a perk you will not enjoy working out of your garage (and these discounts can be hefty depending on your institution).  Also, if you're looking at an intermediate that costs $4500 for milligram quantities I'm willing to bet you're looking at an extremely advanced and complex intermediate.  That means two things: a) you won't find a "cheap" building block unless you go far back into the synthesis (far before the challenging steps that make the price what it is), and b) if you do decide to make it yourself, you will probably need large quantities of starting material, possibly in the kg range depending on what you're making.

1) Well, that's completely fine if the DEA comes in because none of what I'm trying to make fall in any of the 5 scheduled tiers, and aren't analogues of anything in tiers 1 and 2.

2) You may have a point, but its analogues are fairly cheap by the kilo, less than $1000 in almost all cases, and as little as $20 in a couple cases. (quoted from China manufacturing - they don't seem to rike milligram quantities of new molecules)

3) "Plenty of companies exist that sell small scaffolds, but typically they offer a healthy discount to an organization or university, which is a perk you will not enjoy working out of your garage"

Well I'm doing this solo, and materials like scaffolds aren't too expensive. I'm using small chunks of my paychecks to buy the setups.

I guess my question now is: can anybody recommend custom organic synthesis companies that they've perhaps dealt with? Thanks again for the info. :)

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