Hi everyone
This my first sharing
in with I hope you accepting me as a friend
The main lesson is The Ideal Gas Equation from 'Chemistry by Chang'
I have two question and I hope that I get the inforemation from you
How to caculate the molar mass of a gas?
actually, I didn't know how to solve this:
* At 741 torr and 44°c, 7.10g of a gas occupy a volume of 5.40L. What is the molar mass of the gas?
the second one I didn't understand what is it?
* Dry ice is solidcarbon dioxide. A 0.050g sample of dry ice is placed in an evacuated 4.6L vessel at 30°c. Calculate the oressure inside the vessel after all the dry ice has been converted to CO2 gas?
I hope that you understood what I have said to you and answering me Quickly
good luck