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Topic: Volume shrinkage of epoxy  (Read 4286 times)

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Offline Bongodaddy

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Volume shrinkage of epoxy
« on: July 30, 2010, 02:40:04 PM »

I am working with an epoxy system with long potlife used for casting large structural components. I am interested in knowing more about volume shrinkage before and after gelation.

I found the following article on the internet:

In the article they state that most of the volume shrinkage happens before gelation (2/3) and the rest after gelation (1/3). I would like if somebody could help me with answering the following questions:

1) In the mentioned article they investigate the volume shrinkage of a 1 component epoxy system with low potlife cured at very high temperature 160-170 degree celsius. I use a 2 component epoxy/amine system cured at approx. 80 degree celsius. Generally does most of the volume shrinkage happens before gelation?

2)I would really appreciate if somebody could share articles/reports about this subject.

Best Regards


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