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Topic: Nylon 66 polydispersion  (Read 2362 times)

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Nylon 66 polydispersion
« on: June 14, 2010, 05:49:54 PM »
Hello. Tomorrow i have a big lab exam, but i have one big question:

In the nylon66 exp, we had had to find out the polydispersion from two different nylon66 sources and compare them. To do this, we used an small amount of formic acid and water with each sample, so that the high molecular mass nylons would start to precipitate again, and then when we filter this precipitate we get a polimer (high mm) and a filtered solution (low mm, this one goes into the rotavap and weighted to get the low mm mass).

Well, the question is, how does all of this happen? From the rx to understanding why does only high mm (which sounds objective) precipitates and the filtered part is the low mm polymer.

Thank you in advance, to know this would be a great help.


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