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Topic: Na atoms and electron physical properties  (Read 2408 times)

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Na atoms and electron physical properties
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:27:17 PM »
Dear All

I have two questions and a little confused.

i)What is the mobility and mean free time of Na ?
I think you take this formula t = (u x m*)/q       t = mean free time, u = mobility,  m*= effective electron mass q =charge

I tried this and realised I have I do not have the data for u (which I am looking for too) but have effective mass and charge ?

ii) I am confused by atomic density and electron density. I used  n/V = No x rho / mass and I got 2.53 X 10^28 electrons /m^3 ( I multiplied with 1 valence electron), If this is right , is the atomic density the same? The formula seems to be the same?



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