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Topic: Finding the number of moles of MgIN2S4 fro 1 gram each of it's constituents  (Read 2891 times)

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Offline nirajnishad

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1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
How many moles of MgIn2S4 can be made from one gram each of Mg, In, and S? Atomic masses are given.

2. Relevant equations
Moles = mass/molecular mass

3. The attempt at a solution

I have found the moles of each entity.

Mg - 0.04167 moles
In - 0.00871 moles
S - 0.03125 moles

Do I find the moles of the compound mentioned by adding the moles I have found here or do I say that the mass of the strange compound I have here is 3 g and that the moles formed are 3/(32 + 24 + 114.8 = molar mass of MgIn2S4)?

How do I proceed?

Offline sjb

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How many atoms of Mg are there in each molecule of MgIn2S4? (note your capitalisation, IN is not the same as In)
How many atoms of In?
How many atoms of S?

If you have 1 atom of Mg, how many molecules of MgIn2S4 can you make?

edit, amending to correct formula
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 08:02:37 AM by sjb »

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