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Topic: Bent's Rule  (Read 7302 times)

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Offline Xenophilius

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Bent's Rule
« on: April 19, 2009, 09:37:43 AM »
I recently did a further reading on Chemical Bonding and it left me a number of questions. I'd be glad if you could answer some of them:

Q1. Why does bond angle increase with increase in %p-character?

(I think as p character increases, Bond length increases, then the substituents attached to it must be more free to move hence it should lead to increase in bond angle)

Q2. The book I read said that-"d-orbital contraction for its hybridisation can be bought about if there is a more electronegative substituent attached to it, by the means of development of partial +ve charge on it".

(By the way how can hybridisation take place after a  substituent attaches itself??)

Can you suggest some source for further reading of topics such as Bent's Rule and Drago's Rule.

                             Thanks in advance!!

Offline vibhu.kiddy

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Re: Bent's Rule
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 09:03:40 AM »
your answer for question 2 ...there is a little error in the statement..the atoms of electronegative element does not attach itself to the central atom,they just surrounds it and attract the outer electrons due to which a partial positive charge is developed on the central a result the effective nuclear charge of the central atom increases on its valence electrons..due to which the orbitals of the valence shell contract and their energies become almost equal....

Offline vibhu.kiddy

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Re: Bent's Rule
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 09:04:40 AM »
plase tell me the book in which you read that statement...

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