I think I know what you're problem is.
Always try to understand the concept first, then try to use tips to remember it. This example is a very typical one. Cis and trans occur when you have atleast one pair of similar groups.
When you have a molecule of MA2BC type, when A's are on the same side of the square, it is cis (with reference to A) and when they are diagonally opposite, it is trans
When you have a molecule of MA2B2 type, when the A's and B's are on the same side, it is cis and when 2 A's are diagonally opposite (that automatically puts the B's diagonally opposite too), it is trans.
You need to remember that cis and trans refer to positions of similar groups. It doesn't matter whether you have 1 pair or 2 pairs of similar groups.
I think now you will see that remembering the MA2B2 thingy is just absurd