Hello Dan thanks for replying. Sorry I wasn't very specific. The type of weight data would be something like doing a hydrates lab to see how much water is lost when it is heated. Recording the weight before and after heating. I don't see how it would be possible, by just looking at the collected weight data, that anyone could come up with a reaction idea (in this case the reaction after hydrate is heated).
(I didn't want to start another thread, so I'll just ask it here)
Can someone describe to me why the slope is relevant in a graph. I know it helps to see visually how close the points lie to the line, but how else is it relevant? Does the way it slant (45, 50, 60, 90 degree) also tell you something? For example: if my algrebraic formula was y=0.72x - 0.03
I know my slope is 0.72x and my y-intercept is -0.03, but why is it 0.72x - 0.03. I just don't understand. *sigh*