FDA draft Guidance
http://www.labcompliance.de/documents/FDA/FDA-Others/Laboratory/f-505-method-validation-draft.pdfSection 9 -Revalidation "When sponsors make changes in the analytical procedure, drug substance (e.g., route of synthesis), or drug product (e.g., composition), the changes may necessitate revalidation of the analytical procedures. Revalidation should be performed to ensure that the analytical procedure maintains its characteristics (e.g., specificity) and to demonstrate that the analytical procedure continues to ensure the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of the drug substance and drug product, and the bioavailability of the drug product. The degree of revalidation depends on the nature of the change.
When a different regulatory analytical procedure is substituted (e.g., HPLC for titration), the new procedure should be validated (see section VII).
If during each use an analytical procedure can meet the established system suitability requirements only with repeated adjustments to the operating conditions stated in the analytical procedure, the analytical procedure should be reevaluated, amended, and revalidated, as appropriate."