for copper, the atomic radius is 128nm, i have used the formula N=((Avogadros number)(Density))/(Atomic Wt) to find that the number of atomic sites per meter cubed is about
8.5 X 10^28.How would i calculate atomic sites/meter cubed by just knowing the atomic radius of copper?
i have taken the volume of 1m cubed divided by the volume of a FCC unit cell of copper, returning the number of unit cells in a cubic meter. then multiplied this number by the number of atoms in a FCC unit cell, which is 4. this hasnt given me the same answer as calculated before, 8.5X10^28.
more specifically, this is what i did:
Volume of 1 FCC Copper Unit Cell= (16)((128X10^-9m)^3)(SqrRt(2))= 4.75*10^-20m Cubed
(1m Cubed)/(4.75*10^-20m Cubed)= 2.11*10^19 Unit Cells in 1 m Cubed
1 FCC Unit cell has 4 atoms.
(2.11*10^19 Unit Cells in 1 m Cubed)(4 Atoms per FCC Unit Cell)=
8.43*10^19 atoms in 1m cubed?
thats not what i got by calculating number of atomic sites using the equation: N=((Avogadros number)(Density))/(Atomic Wt)
= [(6.022*10^23)(8.95g/cm Cubed)(10^6cm Cubed/ meter Cubed)]/(63.55g/mol) =
8.5*10^28 Atomic Sites / meter Cubedwhat am i doing wrong? help?