Having the intention to just up and build a quantum lab certainly isn't something you hear everyday. And I'd like to point out one thing in particular...
Because of the nature of quantum chemistry, you can't just throw a bunch of lab equipment together and call it a lab. If you have pipettes, beakers, flasks, burettes, all the regular stuff for your ordinary run-of-the-mill lab, then you could be doing organic chemistry, you could be doing analytical, you could be just collecting science stuff
But quantum is WAY different...and I venture to say that
if you don't know what kind of equipment is used in a quantum lab, then building a quantum lab shouldn't be at the top of your to-do list...
But to answer your question, in THEORY all you need is a really really powerful computer or set of computers networked together...enough to solve the complicated equations used in Quantum Chemistry. (You know, the old operator-eigenvalue ones
). If you want a hardcore quantum lab, you could have things like particle accelerators, radiation sources, photon emitters and receivers, and a bunch of other stuff you can use to control atoms, electrons, and any other particle you think you can control.
You gave an email address, but hopefully you come back and see what other people's responses are...Hopefully it will give you a very good idea as to what is going on. Cheers!