So, I recently ran a PChem experiment with the complex.
I have a PChem question with regards to the inorganic compound, so I figured this would be the correct section to ask.
Does anyone have the literature values associated with the aquation (replacing one of the chlorines with a water ligand) of the complex? I specifically need the Activation Energy and some rate constants for 45, 50, and 55 Centigrade. is the lab itself. I have my values, but I need standards to compare it to. All of the literature on found on Google scholar, or through my college's library showed "it has been well-studied, widely known" whenever they did like chromium comparisons, but the cobalt is never listed.
Does anyone have access to this information? (while you're at it, I wouldn't mind they synthesis of the complex - I'll have to do that 10 months from now).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.