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Topic: Isocitrate lyase activity in germination of castor beans.  (Read 5516 times)

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Offline gggggggggg

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Isocitrate lyase activity in germination of castor beans.
« on: October 20, 2010, 07:05:38 AM »
Why does specific activity of Isocitrate lyase (Enzyme) decrease with time of germination? After doing some research, i came across articles that suggested that enzyme activity would actually increase over time. But some articles also talked about specific seeds that may differ.

My enzyme activities are :  1 day= 0.04224 μmoles of glyoxylate produced/min/mg protein
                                        2 day= 0.03226 μmoles of glyoxylate produced/min/mg protein
                                        3 day= 0.01345 μmoles of glyoxylate produced/min/mg protein

There is clearly a decline in activity..As you can see.

Any help will be appreciated. Or just showing me an article or book that can help me.
Thank you.


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Re: Isocitrate lyase activity in germination of castor beans.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2010, 03:23:51 PM »
Have you considered that enzyme concentration is not increasing as the plant germinates and grows.

If you're sampling the same amount for your assay as the plant grows larger the same size sample will contain less enzyme an produce a lower activity measurement.
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Re: Isocitrate lyase activity in germination of castor beans.
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 11:13:39 PM »
In answering the question, you should consider the function of isocitrate lyase.  In what biochemical pathway does isocitrate lyase participate?  Why might this pathway be more important early after germination but not later?

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