Photometric analysis for Si in solutions
Principle Si-molybdate is reduced to the blue coloured complex
Reagents * HF/HCl(1:4) : 500 ml HF + 2000 ml HCl
* Molybdate-solution : 100 g boric acid dissolved in about 3 liter H2O
25 g (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O dissolved in 200 ml H2O (heat!)
Transfer to a 5 liter volumetric flask; fill up to the mark
* Reducing-solution : 100 g Na2S2O5 + 4 g Na2SO3 in 1 liter of H2O
+ 2 g 1.2.4.amino-naphtol-sulfonic acid; mix till clear solution
* Standard Si-solution (100 mg/l) : 107 mg SiO2 (grinded quarts) in a 500 ml
polyethylene flask + 100,- ml HF/HCl(1:4); shake for 4 hours, then leave for the night;
+ 400,- ml H2O; mix well.
Procedure 1,- ml of sample ( max 3 mg Si) in a 100 ml polythylene pot + 5,- ml HF/HCl(1:4)
Close and shake for at least 2 hours on a shaking table, then leave for the night
+ 20,- ml H2O (with dispensor); mix well
1,- ml of the solution is pipetted into a 100 ml polyethylene flask
(if Si in sample >3 mg : or 0.5 ml + 0.5 ml of blank
or 0.2 ml + 1.0 ml of blank)
+ 45 ml Molybdate-solution (with dispensor)
After 15 min : + 2 ml reducing-solution
Colorimetry after 15 min against a blank :
Wavelength : 820 nm
Scale : 10 - 120 µg Si
Good luck,