Hi! I need some urgent help for these 3 questions, to confirm if my answer is right.
1) The color of liquids and solutions which we observe is due to the light which is transmitted. Bromine is a dark red liquid at room temperature. What color light does it absorb?
I'm thinking that it abosrbs blue light.
2) Determine, based on your answer to (2), the approximate wavelength of light that bromine absorbs.
Approximate wavelength is 450-500nm.
3) Consider the reaction for the dissociation of bromine molecules into bromine atoms. Keeping in mind the wavelength at which bromine absorbs, calculate whether this can occur photochemically given the fact that the dissociation energy for the Br-Br bond is 189kJ/mol, i.e. the minimum energy which can cause the above reaction is 189kJ/mole.
Thank you very much!!