i looked your link. It contains some errors.
In the initial Hamiltonian in cartesian coordinates there is not "centrifugal potential" (i dislike this name)
. When you transform to spherical coordinates the Laplacian already contains the term "centrifugal potential". I dislike the name becauses the real potential is the Coulomb one, and the "centrifugal potential" follows from the Laplacian in spherical, therefore, is a kinetic term. Note that i already wrote above the centrifugal term. You do not need introduce it in the potential
Then one solve H phy = E phy. e.g. H 1s = E 1s
Note that phy may be eigenfunction of L^2 operator and therefore phy = R · Y
Note that reduced mass -no mass enter- in the centrifugal term (i already said that).
Note also that eigenfunction computed from Nabla in spherical is only valid for R, already also said. for obtaining the total wave function one may multiply after by the corresponding armonic.
your 1s is correct but you are using an incorrect Hamiltonian. Since you post "SetCoordinates[Spherical[r, th, ph]]" the Mathematica already add the centrifugal term from the Laplacian and you do not need introduce it again in the potential. Note also that it is the reduced mass that enter in the Hamiltonian.