Hi, why do the two different meso compounds of 2,3,4-triol give different IR spectrums
Meso compounds means are they diastereomers to each?
If so IR may not be same at solid and liquid state as the physical properties of diastereomers are different.
If they are enantiomers to each,IR may not be same at solid state and may be same liquid state.
Also, a racemic mixture should give the same IR spectrum as the individual enantimers yes?
I hope the above is partial answer for your second part.
The reason is the difference in the enantiomeric systems.
Basically there are three types of enantiomeric systems
1.Cogloromate system(Racemic mixture) 2.racemic compound 3.Pseudo racemate
For 1 and 3 IR at solid state will be same where as for 2 it Will vary at finger print region (u may not get corelation 0.99)
But in liquid state all will be same.
The same is applicable for PXRD also.
I hope that u may did IR at solid state.
Try it in liquid state!!!