Could anyone help me with these? I keep getting these wrong and getting partial credit...would love full credit by the time I finish this homework

1) What element is not used to classify carbohydrates?
A) Insaturations in the carbon backbone
B) # of carbons
C) The presence of isomers
D) The presence of aldehyde or ketone groups in the C1 or C2
I chose C and got it wrong...
2) In this question there are several correct answers...What are the properties of carbohydrates?
a) Are polyalcohols but contain a carbonyl group
b) Contain only C, H and O
c) Can be synthesized with water and carbon
d) Monosaccharydes contains between 4-9 carbons
e) Can produce polysaccharydes by glycosidic bonds
f) The carbon backbone is saturated
I chose b, d, e.
3) The cellulose is a [-----] non [-----] composed by [-----] linked by [-----]. That make possible that cellulose adopts a [-----] structure that is [-----] by a lot of hydrogen bonds.
Fill in with [linear], [polysaccharide], [beta-D-glucose], [beta 1-4 bonds], [branched], [stabilized].
4) Match:
The most important component of glycoproteins is...
The function of proteoglucans is...
Glycoproteins are classified according the...
be the main component of extracelular matrix of conective tissue
the protein
way of be linked the carbohydrate to the protein
5) Match:
Is a branched polysaccharide found in animals
Is a polysaccharide non-branched present in plants
Is a branched polysaccharide found in plants
Glycogen and amilopectine
Are produced by alfa 1-4 and alfa 1-6 glycosidic bonds
Is composed by amilose and amilopectine