Okay i am going crazy because i cant figure out how to do this because my teacher for AP chem sucks.
"the decomp. of hydrogen peroxide was studied, and the following data are obtained at a particular temp:
Time (s) [H2O2] (mol/L)
120 1.00
300 .91
600 .59
1200 .37
1800 .22
2400 .13
3000 .082
3600 .050
Assuming that Rate= change in [H2O2]/change in t
"determine the rate law, inegrated rate law, and the value of the rate constatnt. Calculate the [H2O2] at 4000s after the start of the reaction"
i did awesome in chem 1 and i cant figure out for the life of me how to do this. please *delete me*!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do i do?