The Greek letter they use should be psi, not phi. Also, most texts use numbers instead of letters for the different MOs. At any rate...
The assignment of these MOs will be different for each system because different systems will have different numbers of orbitals and possibly more or less energy levels. For example, there are 6 MOs for benzene, 3 bonding and 3 anti-bonding, and a total of 4 distinct energy levels. Using typical notation these would be psi(1)-psi(3) and psi(4)-psi(6), respectively, where psi(2) and psi(3) have identical energy and psi(4) and psi(5) also have identical energy. Also note that in this case there are no non-bonding orbitals.
Specifically, I can't think of any examples where psi(1) would be anti-bonding or even non-bonding, although someone else might know an example where this is the case.