January 02, 2025, 11:31:27 PM
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Topic: Chatscience.net - An open-discussion for scientific community  (Read 3280 times)

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Offline kem4all.vn

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Welcome to Chat Science - http://www.chatscience.net

Here, you are free to ask and answer questions in science. Also, you're able to vote for the best answers (which could give extra points for the supporter). At the end of a day, administrators will rate 'the best answer' for the highest rated solution.

Now, at Chat Science, we're encouraging to discuss in four main majors as Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Medical Science. Besides, we also offer 'Others' section for questions in other disciplines than four aforementioned.

In near future, we might consider to extend this community to other majors if there are ones raising with profound contents (questions and answers).

If you have any suggestion concerning the contents, the visual theme or the structure as well as the site's organization, feel free to email us at: webmaster[at]chatscience.net.

Thank you for your time and attention.

ChatScience's Team.

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