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Topic: Alkylation/Michael HW Help  (Read 2365 times)

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Alkylation/Michael HW Help
« on: April 24, 2011, 05:24:16 PM »
Hi, I had a few homework problems that are driving me nuts, and I'm down to my last attempt with all of them.  As a last resort, I thought I would ask for help on here. The first problem is a reaction I just can't get right, and for the second and third problems you are supposed to show the starting materials (#2 is the starting materials for an alkylation and #3 is starting materials for a Micheal reaction).

The fourth picture is the reaction that leads to the product in the final pic.  That pic is correct structurally, but it tells me that I need to indicate the stereochemistry at each stereocenter (lowest energy conformation).  So all I really need help with on the last one is the configuration at each center.

You can click on each pic to see it bigger.

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Re: Alkylation/Michael HW Help
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 02:31:34 AM »
The first task is connected with making an enolate. The alfa protons will be exchanged for deuteriums.

In the third example try to find 1,5-diCO relationship.

For the second and fourth picture I also have an idea but I'm not so sure about it. Let somebody better express his opinion.

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