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Topic: how to separate ester after esterification  (Read 3049 times)

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how to separate ester after esterification
« on: April 02, 2011, 06:48:45 AM »
my exercise book states that we can add excess saturated NaCl to separate ester after it is formed. Then, a layer of organic and a layer of inorganic will form, here I have a question, why we have to add excess saturated NaCl? I think there should be some water which is also polar solvent. Can anyone explain (in terms of molecular level / intermolecular force) to me that NaCl can separate ester?

I think each Na+ ion and Cl- ion are surrounded by a number of water molecules, but not existing alone, I wish to know more about how NaCl(aq) are different from ester (again, molecular level)


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