September 28, 2024, 09:29:00 AM
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Topic: Looking at Benzoate Groups: dissociation and color of products (qualitative)  (Read 2291 times)

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Hey guys, I am new to the board, but so far it seems as though I will enjoy it here. I am an early graduate freshman @ UCLA and am planning on majoring in either Chemistry or Biochemistry. I was hoping for a little help on a qualitative analysis of a few reactions. Any help would be great!

In my Intro-Chem class we are going over qualitative observations of different reactions during the analysis of some benzoate groups. Most of these seem pretty easy, but I will need to turn it in this Friday and want to double check a couple of my answers. Here are the reactions I have questions about:

Bi(OH)_3 + H^+ --> Bi^3+ + 3H2O             Color: _____________

Fe(OH)_3 + H^+ --> Fe^3+ + 3H2O            Color: _____________

AlO_2^- + H^+ --> Al(OH)3                       Color: _____________

From what I understand this is just the dissociation of the acids/bases in water, correct? In each reaction, we are looking for the indication of certain benzoate cations. My question issues is that the homework is asking for the color of each reaction when they are mixed. We did these reactions before mid-terms and we are just now expected to remember the color of each. I was able to remember most of the colors from my notes, but I don't have this these three down. Any idea from the chemistry gurus on the board to what color the products of the 3 ??? reactions will show?

Thanks guys and let me know if you have any questions,


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Now that I am looking at it differently, it looks like the hydrogen ion in the reactants of the Bi(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3 reactions came from mixing both of them HCL, not H2O... So they must have both been mixed with HCl.

Hope that helps.

Thanks guys

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