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Topic: H2O2 to re-oxidise reduced ferriycanide, permanganate, etc?  (Read 2615 times)

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Offline Athiril

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I use Potassium Ferricyanide, Potassium Permanganate, Copper Sulphate, and EDTA (probably PDTA too) bleaches in my film processing.

H2O2 has huge oxidation potential in an acidic environment, when the bleaches are spent they are reduced (or raised pH sometimes due to carryover from other bathes.. working pH is typically 6.5 for some), so I was wondering if H2O2 can re-oxidise any of these back to the original products from the reduced products.

Bit iffy with the ferricyanide, as I don't want to put it an acidic environment and produce hydrogen cyanide gas. But it's one of my fave bleaches, I just use it in water with a salt (chloride or bromide)

I know I can bubble chlorine gas through ferrocyanide to get my ferricyanide back, which I can do.. but I'll ask another thread on that.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 01:29:53 AM by Athiril »

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