There are other observations that the O continuous model needs to accommodate. The first is the observation that the earth has a bulge at the equator and/or is compressed from pole to pole. If one thinks in terms of gravity alone, the earth should be more spherical. Relative to the O continuiity model, this observation is what one would expect. With the equator being the maxima for solar evaporation, this is the zone of maximum potential with the iron core. The result should be hydrothermal connections and crustal uplift at the eqatorial region of the earth. The integrated magnetic field should complement this, with the attraction between poles, irregardless of field inversion, helping to squish the viscoplastic inner earth from pole to pole. The magnetic field probably had a very limited influence, but it nevertheless integrates, in way, that coordinates with the geomtery that is observed.
This brings up the second observation. If you look at the continents, and trace their history back in time, they all originallly were connected as one super continent. Although this is the reality of the situation, it is counter intuitive to the observed earth potentials in the O-continuous model. The model would have predicted the orginal land being more randomly distributed, more or less centered around the equator. One possible way to accommodate this anomaly is that a significant breech occurred in the crust, in the area that would become the orignal land mass. For example, an asteroid hitting the ancient ocean covered earth, could explain this anomaly. This crustal breech hooked the earth up with a very significant hydrothermal connection, which became the primary center of current. This would become the preferential zone where new crustal material would form resulting in the orginal singular land mass.
What is significant about the singular land mass forming, it that it will be giving off a lot of heat at one place place on the earth.. This would create a secondary AC current, along side the one created by the sun-earth rotation. In other words, this zone of high evaporation would almost be like a pseudo-second sun orbitiing the earth (secondary maximum evaporation zone) at the same time the earth is rotating for solar evaporation. If the landmass was off equatorial center, its current to the magnetic motor, will add a slight perpendicular directional vector to the solar-rotational AC. This force vector could result in a wobble in the inner core magnet, which would eventually translate into a wobble of the earth.
The split -up of the singular land mass and the continental drift are both things, one would expect as the super continent cooled. The potential requirement of the earth would become more distributed on the earth, with the hydrothermal seam propagating to help distribute the potential. The result was the landmass breaking apart and redistributing.
The last important thing that needs to be integrate with the O-continuum is the living state. Without getting into biology, one basic obervations is that plants, both single and muticellular, produce O2. By having plants producie O2, the impact of the O continuum was able to extend into the ozone layer, connecting the O continuity higher into the earth's magnetic field. Although I have no proof, it is not out of the realm of possiblity that life also formed the nitrogen gas; N2. Many modern bacteria, in the absense of O, i.e., anaerobic conditions, can take their O needs from nitrates and will form N2 as a waste product. The advantage of this is that light or O2 is not required to get life going. In other words, with the ancient earth much higher in atmospheric water, photosynthesis, would not be very affective, until the atmosphere cleared. The production of N2, would increase the partial pressure of N2 in the atmosphere and help to clear the atmosphere of the water, in line with the direction of the O continuum potentials. (Oxygen will condenser easier a higher pressure). Photosynthesis would become easier increasing the O2 concentration in the atmosphere.
What is interesting about life producing O2, is that it may not be coincidental, since the net result created the next logical propagation of the O-continuum. The logical conclusion I reached was that earth potentials played a role in the evolutiion of life on earth. Not just im terms of environmental change and selective advantage, but an actual provider of chemical potential. This sounds far fetched using exsiting bio-genesis theory. But there is another variable than nobody fully takes into consideration, which does the trick; hydrogen bonding. The early earth had a lot of hydrogen potential within the atmosphere, which needed to be lowered. The need to reduce hydrogen potential gave life a push; move the earth surface chemicals in the direction of decreasing hydrogen potential. For example, nucleic acids and animo acids go from acids, into hydrogen bonding polymers.