Lighten up, Disco. I intended my comment to be a little good natured ribbing but I do realize such things do not translate well via the intertubes. I suspect Peptide is moving in from another branch of Science and is unfamiliar with synthesis or is a founding student of a group without any guidance from experienced members.
I was in the latter situation. You don't realize how valuable institutional memory is until you need to function without its benefit. The first few years were spent just figuring out how to get stupid day to day stuff working which is a little tough when you don't have someone around to tell you retrospectively obvious things like "drying ether with sodium sulfate doesn't work", or "HEPES gels will not work in TRIS-glycine buffer", or that one particular reference is gold and another is garbage that looks sparkly in the right light. I spent a hell of a lot of time cornering profs, post docs, and senior students in halls, offices, elevators, and buses to pick their brains about a lot of stuff, spent a lot of time reading various chemistry blogs, and going on marathon lit. sessions.
So cut him/her some slack; the point of being a student is to learn. Who here can claim they have ever learned without making a few stupid mistakes or asking a few stupid questions? My only criticism is that you must think about all of this stuff (the steps in your scheme) before you ever start mixing chemicals together. Seat-of-the-pants chemistry is a fast road to failures which cost a lot of time and money, accidents, or both.