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Topic: Extracting Chemicals from Human Body  (Read 4315 times)

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Offline rayrayray

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Extracting Chemicals from Human Body
« on: July 25, 2011, 08:52:07 PM »
hey dudes

I'm not really a chemistry dude. I dunno the basics, but I'm writing a screenplay and am currently doing research and was hoping some guys on here could help me out.

Pretty much it's about a guy who uses the chemicals in the human body to make illicit drugs.

I am wondering, (A) is this possible (B) how would one do this (C) what costs would be associated with it and (D) what chemicals in the human body would be used in illicit drugs.

Thanking you in advance


Offline Fluorine

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Re: Extracting Chemicals from Human Body
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 01:41:00 AM »
"a guy who uses the chemicals in the human body to make illicit drugs."

Suggestion: If you need it for a screenplay just think up an imaginary compound that is excreted through urine with a low percent metabolization. This could help bypass some problems.

A) Hypothetically, yes.
B) There are a few articles which state potential formation of N,N-dimethyltrypamine (DMT) and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltrypamine (5-MeO-DMT) after administration of certain enzymes into the lungs. They are fairly outdated and are usually done in rabbit lungs but it is an "illicit drug" forming within a living system. The problem here would be the potential metabolization of the product to inactive forms. The methoxylated derivative is less prone to deamination. This could work well in a work of fiction but in reality it's not nearly as plausible. See this and this, for references. You can find more via google.
C) Not sure, but it will probably be quite expensive especially compared to alternative approaches.
D) Tryptamine for the mentioned compound.

Some compounds are excreted unmetabolized through the urine in certain percentage. So assuming you could form it in a living system, it'd probably require large quantities to 1) survive being metabolized and 2) survive inevitable loss in extraction/isolation process. This idea is prone to potential errors from so many sides. It will be messy and expensive in my opinion.
I'm still learning - always check my work/answer.

"curse Pierre Jules César Janssen!"

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