So I drank a little more than I should have last night, and I remember most of what happened.
I remember challenging a geographer that I was with to list off all of the 'trace ions/minerals' that were listed on the side of his distilled water bottle. Funny thing, he couldn't do it.
I remember yelling to the world about p-orbitals, and how if they're not totally filled sometimes.
I remember yelling to the world about pi-bonds, and how oxygen has them. And that without those pi-bonds, oxygen wouldn't be the same and it would be a neurotoxin and whatnot (Which may or may not be true, and we'll never know since O2 with a bond order of 1 doesn't exist
They say that when you're drunk is when your 'true self' comes out. I'm only 19, and it looks like I'm in the right profession!!
P.S. Legal drinking age is 19 in Canada, before any Americans comment on the age thing