Hi Dan - thanks for the reply. Most of my confusion stems from the fact that my text lists
formyl-, not
oxo- as the prefix for a non-principal aldehyde group, so I assumed I should use this.
On the other hand, now I have another point of confusion - Wikipedia says
here that I should always use
oxo- unless the carbon in that group can't be included in the chain, but
here it says that
oxo- is only for when the compound is a "natural product or a carboxylic acid".
I had a look at Wikipedia's references on the page for Aldehyde, and
section R- on this page gives an example of a compound named both 3,6-dioxohexanoic acid and 5-formyl-3-oxopentanoic acid, but the text says that
oxo- is used for an =O substituent and
formyl- is used for a -CHO substituent. Also, the end of the first chapter in
this other page referenced from Wikipedia says to use
formyl- except in names of natural products. I guess carboxylic acids (and derivatives) count as this? I'm not sure what does...
Anyway, now my head's spinning. I guess I'll ask my tutor which I should use when.
Thanks very much for your help.