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Topic: tetraphenyltin + iodine reaction mechanism  (Read 2775 times)

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tetraphenyltin + iodine reaction mechanism
« on: November 01, 2011, 07:19:21 PM »
Recently done a lab experiment forming tetraphenyltin by grignard reaction of sncl4 using bromobenzene and magnesium. tetraphenyltin was then reacted with solid iodine in chloroform to form triphenyltiniodide + phenyl iodide. triphenyltin iodide was reacted with KOH and then HCl to form solid tri phenyl tin chloride.

Was just interested in a possible reaction mechanism for:

   Ph4Sn + I2 --> Ph3SnI + PhI

I thought

1. electrophilic addition of I onto phenyl ring. and then subsequent nuclophilic attack at Sn centre with I-

but i believe electrophilic addition of I onto phenyl ring is not possible without use of an additional reagent

2. attack of I2 at Sn centre using a lone pair. subsequent loss of Ph- which picks up terminal I from I2 and electron pair returned to previously two co-ordinate I to restore charge.

thanks for any contribution

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