When (S)-2-bromopropanoic acid [(S)-CH3CHBrCO2H] reacts with concentrated
sodium hydroxide, the product formed (after acidification) is (R)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid [(R)-CH3CHOHCO2H, commonly known as (R)-lactic acid]. This
is, of course, the normal stereochemical result for an SN2 reaction. However, when
the same reaction is carried out with a low concentration of hydroxide ion in the
presence of Ag2O (where Ag
acts as a Lewis acid), it takes place with overall retention of configuration to produce (S)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid. The mechanism
of this reaction involves a phenomenon called neighboring-group participation.
Write a detailed mechanism for this reaction that accounts for the net retention of
configuration when Ag
and a low concentration of hydroxide are used.
Help? This is so much harder than anything we've done in class and I have no idea..