Hey everyone,
I attend college at Kettering University. I am a chemistry major in an organic chemistry lab. We are doing a project on the synthesis of a drug -- in this case Prozac. I've spent approximately 8 hours searching online, but the only decent thing I have come up with is...
[url=http://redpoll.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/drugbank/cgi-bin/getCard.cgi?CARD=APRD00530I tried searching google for "Synthesis of Fluoxetine," "Synthesis of 3-phenyl-3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-propan-1-amine," and countless others. I've searched numerous patent numbers, but none leading me where I need to be.
In addition to explaining the synthesis, I need to give the percent yields for each step as well as the atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, my starting compound can have no more than 6 carbons.
Can someone give me some good sources to investigate? From the way my teacher described the project, it is basically a "get lucky" and stumble upon all the completed work on the internet. Unfortunately, I'm not getting lucky with Prozac.
Thanks for reading and all the future help.
Also, nice forums you got here. I'm falling more and more in love with Chemistry, so you might see me around here more often.