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Topic: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell  (Read 9810 times)

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Offline Itworksindeed

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black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:06:23 AM »
about hydrolysis cell to improve fuel effiency,a lot of answers saying it can't work because of thermodynamics law:
 ok about the second law of thermodynamics,but what about the solar panel?: you get extra energy by taping from an existing external source.
considering E=mc2 you could get  a lot of energy from,let's say one ml of water(a lot of information is available about all this at http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk ) ...
actually a few people could do it(should take a look at http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS1.htm)but it seems they get big problems:you can see the story of allen cagiano in end of chapter 10 of free-energy-info.co.uk site.stanley meyer died after eating in a restaurant saying he had been poisened just before he found credit for starting to chainbuild his system of injectors producing hydrogen with water...
consider the works of Tesla see about HAARP project due to his works.

i myself tried to construct a dry cell(following plans like this one http://www.pdfescape.com/open/?106F02FD138A0F91D032E1671D8CA1EEB95C040B585B0360):consisting of a sandwich of 316 stainless steel plates separated by EPDM o-rings between two acrylics plates immerged in a solution of distilled water and around 8 % of KOH: installed in my car i  lower the consumption of my car of around 20%!i also know other friends buying cells and installing them in their trucks getting results between 15 to 25% of fuel economized!!
here again no need to break thermodynamics law,even einstein isn't needed,this is not rocket science:it works because petrol is burning very bad in the engine around 70% of it is going in the exhaust.hydrogen braught even in very small quantity act as a catalyst of petrol rising its effiency thus improving consumption and lowering pollution..

the only problem is that after around 10 hours of use my plates especially cathodes starts to cover with black deposit drastically lowering effiency of my cell(maybe carbon from my sealers it seems EPDM should resist to KOH at this concentration but with action of electricity combined there could be  some strange effects?).i also tried with neoprene sealers getting same problem.
a person constructing and selling those cells told me that i could avoid this whith a special finishing of my plates but he didn't wanted to precise which one!
could any body please help me telling what happens and maybe how i could resolve my problem??
thanks in advance...

Offline Arkcon

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 09:21:36 AM »
Well, I dare you to recite the beginning of your post out loud without taking a breath. ;D  However, with regard to this point:

the only problem is that after around 10 hours of use my plates especially cathodes starts to cover with black deposit drastically lowering effiency of my cell(maybe carbon from my sealers it seems EPDM should resist to KOH at this concentration but with action of electricity combined there could be  some strange effects?).i also tried with neoprene sealers getting same problem.
a person constructing and selling those cells told me that i could avoid this whith a special finishing of my plates but he didn't wanted to precise which one!
could any body please help me telling what happens and maybe how i could resolve my problem??
thanks in advance...

You might try different o-ring material -- teflon is pretty non-reactive, and not too expensive.  You may find it cheaply online or at electronics stores.  Although since the ... um ... "manufacturer" suggests a plate coating, that may well be the problem.  You could try other electrode materials, say, porous nickel.  It really depends on your electrolyte, I didn't peruse your PDF sources.  I like eating at restaurants and want to stay safe. 8)
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline Itworksindeed

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2012, 10:15:00 AM »
waouh,thanks for answering so fast...(with humour also in france we would say it's the cherry on the cake!!).
i also thought about teflon o-rings ,but when i took a look at the prices it's really not the same price than ones like EPDM.
i founded some pretty cheap one on an site like mcmaster-carr but they didn't wanted to send them abroad saying they stopped selling in europe(maybe too small command?).the problem is that it's quite hard to find such specific o-rings if you're not a company.it seems it could work with EPDM the manufacturer assure me that he use EPDM and all plans i could get talk about this material or soft PVC( but it doesn't resist well to temperature).
i didn't tryed coating my plates i think he was talking of a special finishing like electropolishing.his 316 plate are more shiny than mines a person that used to work in stainless steel told me that it was because mine were hot rolled mill finished and his were cold rolled mill finished.
i'd like now to do another cell for my caravan truck (old mercedes sucking 30l for 100km) :P,and i think some of my friends would be interested in building one(or if they don't i would do it for them).so i would really appreciate for the next one to find this finishing cose it really seems to work out fine for people that i know who have this model.
you really could take a look at http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk it's really full of tremendous things about energy.
for somebody interested in science it's a site to visit and even without visiting it you should avoid restaurant:a cooker friend of mine with 20 years experience told me that he never go to restaurant unless he knows the cooker'(and he knows what he talks about) :
you could be poisened even if you invent only scissors for panda...
sorry for the ponctuation and other mistakes:english isn't my native language...
i also realize that this post isn't maybe in the good topic maybe it should be in chemistry materials forum is there a way to change its location?

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 10:25:54 AM »
No problem, just try to keep the stream of consciousness postings shorter and more to the point.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 09:05:13 AM »
o.k.(2 letters much better no? ::))

Offline vmelkon

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 04:59:43 PM »
Your posts starts off as sounding like a joke.

"considering E=mc2 you could get  a lot of energy from,let's say one ml of water"


Offline Itworksindeed

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2012, 06:10:37 AM »
problem's about having and paying billiard dollars for energy seems a huge joke(and not a good one people are dying for petrol all aver the world right now!).
1ml~0,001kg*9×10^20=9.10^17Joules not so bad energy for a few drops of water.
have you take a look to http://www.free-energy-info.Co.uk?lots of articles dealing about energy with sources like Tesla,Newman...

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2012, 06:12:20 AM »
give it a try!

Offline billnotgatez

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2012, 12:37:53 PM »
Currently most hydrogen is produced from petrochemicals not water because it is far more expensive to breakdown water.

Water is already "burnt" hydrogen.

The scam to use water directly for energy has been around for a long time.

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2012, 01:08:55 PM »
I think I read somewhere that it started around in the 1930, far before Stanley Meyers.

There is this site which is "against HHO"

I did the calculations myself (as you can find on that site) and I came to the same conclusion. The amount of hydrogen and oxygen is very small to begin with.
Also, if it is a technology that saves gasoline, then it would already be integrated by the auto-makers rather than being sold by individuals.

You can also look at

and click on the "Free energy suppression" which leads to a page that talks about Stanley Myers.

Personally, I don't see why you are quoting E=mc^2 and calculating the amount of energy it represents.
HHO is not about total conversion of matter into energy.

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2012, 06:24:41 AM »
now i found out that problem on my plates could be oxydization and that with passivation or electropolishing i could solve it.does anybody have an idea of which one should be the best?could also stainless steel cold rolled mill could help for minimazing oxydization?

to answer disclaimers that comes with the ghosssst of conspiracy:
i just wrote above that i personnaly made a dry cell and improve my fuel consumption  of around 20% and not just for one trip...i wrote that i have some friends that put some cells (here take care because buying cheap and small cells won't work good,i know this i've done it!)they've had also good improvement.

but no you definitly know it can't work!!refering to a page of somebody wrote without making any tests himself basing its study on a single page of results with diagrams he surely doesn't know where it came from!!are you kind of "scientist" that's how you get your results??

why didn't you take a look at the site i refered to.here it's full of pages with pattented designs and accurate calculations.but this all here conspiracy calculations.
just refering to your wikipedia page there shouldn't exist a project called HAARP based on Tesla's work then why european parliament is asking what they are doing with HAARP to american governement see http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=REPORT&reference=A4-1999-0005&format=XML&language=FR.

the real scam is to pretend that we have to pay a tribute of huge money and death for energy,of course this also is part of conspiracy theory:i quote from your page of wikipedia:"in many cases, critics have accused the U.S. of engaging in realpolitik in the cynical sense of political action without regard for principle or morals. In recent times, wars in the Middle East such as the Gulf War and the invasion of Iraq have been described as wars for oil, as well as power, money and land."
then what are still doing armies in Iraq and afghanistan i thought ben laden the strawman and saddam hussein the ugly person that had nuclear bombs in his socks were dead!!ah i forgot it's all here about pacification.shoot people and peace will come of course!!
why is revolution enhanced and helped in some country like lybia and syria whereas it is immediatly stopped withn foreign help in others like qatar it was also a dictator here why was he helped and the others killed or about to be killed?
but maybe you don't want to imagine that there could be other way of living then war and hate i would call this the lamb syndrom:you're well in the flock and you don't wan't to be aware that the shepherd leads you to slaughter...keep on with your blinders.

you can do all calculations but practicaly it works on my car:small amount of hydrogen and oxygen burning very well acting as catalyst to help petrol fuel  (around 70% of it in the exhaust)burn better lowering consumption and CO emissions,considering climate change we should all be concern by those problem of energy this i why i quote E=mC^2 because it seems that energy is surrounding us(even in water)and that some people could find a way to tap in it without breaking laws of thermodynamic as disclaimers of such inventions says.
of course here with dry cells no need to refer to E=MC^2,it's just a first step to see how we're tricked and that a single person in his garage can lower its fuel consumption.of course you won't see it integrated by auto makers(at least i've seen one car sold with dry cells mounted in series)simply because petrol sellers owns also car companies,and what on earth brings more money than petrol: you don't kill the golden egg's chicken.

i realize now that i'm far from shorter posts arkcon sorry about all this but i had to answers perpetual disclaimers of progress we could all do together.

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Re: black deposit in an hydrolysis cell
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2012, 08:15:05 AM »
That's enough - it has nothing to do with chemistry at this moment.

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