Good book to read on this topic is Joseph Campbell "A Hero with a Thousand Faces". The premise of the book is that all religions are actual the same tale told from different perspectives (Campbell call this the "monomyth"). The important thing to keep in mind is that contemporary mythologies (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, ect) use metaphors, hyperbole, and personification in an attempt to explain many very complex questions. Obviously, some people get stuck in those metaphors, hyperbole, and personification and fail to see the deeper questions and meanings.
Obviously it is silly to think that God made us in his image (like God needs human physiology), that the Earth was created in seven days, or that God specifically cares about –you-. But, for instance, the idea of God is a valid one. God is a force of creation and there is no arguing there are forces of creation in this universe. It’s just easier, using this example, to put a human face and emotion to it.
It’s an interesting topic, which is why I bumped it from near certain death.