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Topic: How would you propose mechanisms for these cyclic voltammograms?  (Read 2558 times)

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Offline MaximumCupcakes

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Here are the voltammograms for a compound (let's call it X) in three different solvents.

These are the mechanisms I have proposed for each, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone can tell me where I'm going wrong. This is for an introductory level class but I'm still having a difficult time understanding how to propose mechanisms.

a) CH2Cl2
X + e- ---> X-
X- + CH2Cl2 ---> CH2Cl-X + Cl-

CH2Cl-X + e- ---> [CH2Cl-X ]-

b) THF
X + e- ---> X-
X- + e- ---> X2-

X2- ---> X- + e-
X- ---> X + e-

c) THF + CH3I
X + e- ---> X-
X- +  CH3I --->  CH3X + I-

CH3X + e- ---> [CH3X]-

Any comments / suggestions are very much appreciated, and thank you!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 06:11:38 PM by Arkcon »

Offline MERCK86

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Re: How would you propose mechanisms for these cyclic voltammograms?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 03:25:26 AM »
please explain your question a bit more.
 you can't understand the peaks or the the mechanism? 

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