Hi there,
For the hypothetical equilibrium A

B, you obtain the following data.
T(K) Keq260 6.2*10^-2
280 1.6*10^-2
300 5.2*10^-3
320 1.9*10^-3
Determine the values of :delta: G
o, :delta: H
o, and :delta: S
My attempt:
First I plotted lnKeq vs. 1/T.
Based on the equation:
lnKeq = -( :delta: H
o/RT) + ( :delta: S
So the slope of the line is equal to -( :delta: H
and the y-interecept is ( :delta: S
o/R). I used this to figure out :delta: H
o, and :delta: S
:delta: H
o = 40 kJ/mol
:delta: S
o = -177 J/mol
I am confused about how to find :delta: G
At first I thought of using the formula
:delta: G
o = :delta: H
o - T :delta: S
but the temperature is not constant, so this didn't work.
I then tried using :delta: G
o = -RTlnKeq, and substituting in a point from the data table for T and Keq. I assumed each point would give the same value for :delta: G (ie. the data at 260K would be the same as at 280K since the Keq varies according to the temperature.). However, I got a different value at each point (and none of them were the right answer!).
The right answer for :delta: G
o is 13kJ/mol.
Am I supposed to be finding the rate of change of G? Do I get this from another graph (if so, I am not sure what I am supposed to be graphing... :delta: G= :delta: H-T :delta: S?) Or am I just not using the right equation to find :delta: G?
Thanks for any direction you are able to provide!