For a software to manage Chemical inventory, it shall provide following basic functions:
Shelf life monitoring -- i.e. to monitor the materials' expiry date, if possible, to alert user before it reach end of shelf life
FIFO Control -- i.e., to ensure First-In-First-Out practice is in place. Operator/user shall use the old batches (if more than 1 batch). If FIFO practice is not being observed, you will suffer huge losses due to expiry and affect your product quality as well.
Batch Tracking -- all received materials are having different manufacturing information such as batch no, lot no, manufacturing date, special remark etc. This info is crucial for you to complaint to your supplier if having quality problems in your process. If you are using these material to reprocess and sell to your customer, you need to track your process info as well when you receive feedback from your customers. Therefore, traceability is important.
Multi-UOM conversion -- UOM means Unit-of-Measurement (eg. KG, Litre, Drum, Bag, Unit etc) ie. system shall able to convert from different packaging UOM to another UOM. This is important especially when you receive material in drum, then repackage it into small bag.
User friendly -- this is a must for operator to use it effectively.
Embedded with barcode technology -- good to have. This can minimize data booking error and improve productivity.
There are lots more .
In the past, we have been helping many Small Industries to improve their
inventory control in Raw material, WIP and finished goods. This is just some experience to share with. We have developed a software called
Chronos e-StockCard to over come the above issues as well. Website:
www.estockcard.com. Please feel free download for trial.
I hope it helps you in searching your right inventory software. Thanks