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Topic: Aldol condensation - naming my product  (Read 5955 times)

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Offline yukinakid

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Aldol condensation - naming my product
« on: April 11, 2012, 06:33:30 PM »
So I have been scouring the internet for the name of the product I'm fairly sure I have (based on another few hours studying the NMR spectra my professor provided me) and I have mostly determined that I had reacted cyclohexanone and 4-chlorobenzaldehyde. If anyone could help me name it, I could figure out the structure and compare that to my assigned NMR and I would forever be in your debt. I am seriously about to tear my hair out.

Thank you so much. You have no idea how murderous I am towards organic.

Offline dipesh747

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Re: Aldol condensation - naming my product
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 07:31:37 PM »
and I have mostly determined that I had reacted cyclohexanone and 4-chlorobenzaldehyde.

I'm slightly confused you have mostly determined you have you not know what you were doing in labs? Did you just put two random chemicals together or something???

Ignoring that, look at your two reactants. One can form the enol and one you know what one forms the enol? (hint. what has the alpha hydrogen which can be removed by base?)

Once you know that you that, draw the structure with the hydrogen removed and the negative charge on the oxygen. Then push the arrows back so the two molecules react (this should be a nucleophilic addition)

With naming the compound, if you upload a drawing of what you have come up with I can tell you what the compound is.

This reaction is known as the aldol reaction, so if you still can't figure anything out, google it and you should find everything you need! Here's a video I found when I googled it

Offline yukinakid

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Re: Aldol condensation - naming my product
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 08:21:40 PM »
and I have mostly determined that I had reacted cyclohexanone and 4-chlorobenzaldehyde.

I'm slightly confused you have mostly determined you have you not know what you were doing in labs? Did you just put two random chemicals together or something???

Ignoring that, look at your two reactants. One can form the enol and one you know what one forms the enol? (hint. what has the alpha hydrogen which can be removed by base?)

Once you know that you that, draw the structure with the hydrogen removed and the negative charge on the oxygen. Then push the arrows back so the two molecules react (this should be a nucleophilic addition)

With naming the compound, if you upload a drawing of what you have come up with I can tell you what the compound is.

This reaction is known as the aldol reaction, so if you still can't figure anything out, google it and you should find everything you need! Here's a video I found when I googled it

Thanks. My professor gave us all different unknown aldehydes and ketones to perform the aldol reaction and gave us NMRs to figure out which ones we had based on the numbers we were given. Thank you so much for the video, I think I've got it figured out for the most part, but I might still upload the drawing to make sure. I appreciate it!

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