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Topic: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???  (Read 14126 times)

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Offline Ann1234

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Hello  :)

I am working over this question but since I had doubts I went online and found completely different answers:

1) I found that AgCL is not affected by PH
2) I found that is affected since the salt comes from a weak base (AgOH) and a strong acid (HCL), so when we increase the OH- concentration, in basic PH, AgOH is formed and as a result, the solubility of AgCL increases.

I thought the 2) was correct but now I have doubts since I found different answers. I know AgCl dissolves in HCL and in NH3 because it forms AgCl2- and an ammonia complex but I don't have a clue about the reaction with NaOH for example.

thanks in advance  :)

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Re: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 09:02:45 PM »
2) I found that is affected since the salt comes from a weak base (AgOH)
The above statement is not true. AgOH is a strong base.

Ag+ forms  a complex ion AgCl2+ but complex formation constant is to small to overcome the common ion effect of chloride that lower the solubility of AgCl.

Offline Sophia7X

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Re: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 09:54:10 PM »
I don't think pH can affect AgCl significantly because it has a strong acid's conjugate, Cl-.

The dissolution equation of AgCl would be AgCl <--> Ag+ + Cl-
If you added H+, the solubility wouldn't be affected because HCl is a strong acid (100% ionization).

If you had something like AgF...
AgF <--> Ag+ + F-
If you added H+, the solubility will increase. H+ will remove F- from solution to form HF (weak acid with very low % ionization), shifting equilibrium to the right and favoring dissolution.

AgCl dissolves in HCl because it forms a complex ion, like the above poster said.
However, AgCl doesn't dissolve in a strong acid like HNO3
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Offline Ann1234

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Re: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 10:16:57 PM »
The above statement is not true. AgOH is a strong base.

why is a strong base and is not on the lists of strong bases? (those that are printed in books)? I checked several online and I didn't find AgOH there... :(

Offline Ann1234

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Re: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 11:53:41 PM »

The above statement is not true. AgOH is a strong base.

I see.....I googled AgOH strong base on google books and I found that in several books, I don't know why AgOH is not listed on strong bases lists though. I'll add them to my list so far.

Thank you so much!!!  ;D

Offline Ann1234

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Re: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2012, 12:48:16 AM »
I don't think pH can affect AgCl significantly because it has a strong acid's conjugate, Cl-.

The dissolution equation of AgCl would be AgCl <--> Ag+ + Cl-
If you added H+, the solubility wouldn't be affected because HCl is a strong acid (100% ionization).

If you had something like AgF...
AgF <--> Ag+ + F-
If you added H+, the solubility will increase. H+ will remove F- from solution to form HF (weak acid with very low % ionization), shifting equilibrium to the right and favoring dissolution.

AgCl dissolves in HCl because it forms a complex ion, like the above poster said.
However, AgCl doesn't dissolve in a strong acid like HNO3

I found out that is right, PH doesn't affect the solubility of AgCl. thank you so much for your explanations  :)

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Re: Explain if ph affects the solubility of silver chloride???
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2012, 03:43:39 AM »
why is a strong base and is not on the lists of strong bases? (those that are printed in books)? I checked several online and I didn't find AgOH there... :(

This is a matter of difference between dissociation and solubility.

Strong base means "completely dissociated". People often expect strong base to be well soluble, which is not always the case.
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